Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR)
Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) Given an underground total mining cost of $8.85 per tonne, surface mining costs of $2.95 per tonne of ore, and surface mining stripping costs of $1.75 per tonne of waste, calculate the break even stripping ratio (with zero profit) between surface and underground mining.

Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade …
Break-even stripping ratio: The instantaneous stripping ratio at the point where the cost of stripping the waste exactly equals the value of the ore uncovered.

Nisbah Kupas Ekonomik (Economic Stripping Ratio) : SREC 4.2.1. Nisbah Kupas Pulang Pokok (Break Even Stripping Ratio) Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) adalah perbandingan antara biaya penggalian batubara dengan baya pengupasan tanah penutup (overburden) atau merupakan perbandingan biaya penambangan bawah tanah dengan …

Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They …
May. 17, 2023 01:50PM PST. Stripping ratios aren't often discussed, but they can be an early and important indicator for mining projects. Here's what investors should know …

137505049 56203026-stripping-ratio | PDF
137505049 56203026-stripping-ratio. Stripping ratio (SR) menunjukkan perbandingan antara volume tanah penutup yang harus dibongkar untuk mendapatkan satu ton batubara. Break even stripping ratio (BESR) …

Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They Important
A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the open-pit mining process. It represents the amount of waste material, also known as …

Break Even Stripping Ratio | PDF
Break Even Stripping Ratio | PDF. Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia.

Break-even stripping ratio | Britannica
break-even stripping ratio. Learn about this topic in these articles: mining. In mining: Pit geometry. The break-even stripping ratio is a function of ore value and the costs …

Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Break Even Stripping Ratio?
Break even stripping ratio tidak mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor non-keuangan seperti dampak lingkungan dan kesehatan pekerja. Selain itu, perhitungan break even stripping ratio hanya menjadi relevan ketika harga jual hasil tambang tidak berubah. Jika harga jual turun, break even stripping ratio akan meningkat dan sebaliknya. ...

(PDF) 1.Definisi Stripping Ratio | arrival …
View PDF. 1.1.Definisi Stripping Ratio Stripping Ratio adalah perbandingan antara volume masa batuan yg dibongkar (lapisan tanah penutup) dengan batubara yg di ambil atau bisa juga disebut dengan …

Production Stripping Ratio
Stripping ratio is the ratio of the volume of waste rock stripped off to the volume of ore exploited during the process of surface mining. It indicates the volume of waste rock required to be stripped for mining per cubic ore. Stripping ratio (see Fig. 1) is an important technical-economic indica-tor in open-pit mining, which reflects the eco ...

Chapter Open Pit Mining
cost [5]. The major types of stripping ratios are overall, instantaneous, and break-even. In order to specify the maximum allowable stripping ratio (SR max) of a surface mine, …

Allana Potash fka AAA : Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) …
AAA-FTW: Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) Estimate It appears there is a calculation that helps determine the breakeven point beyond which the cost to remo...

Stripping Ratio in Open-Pit Mining, Types of | SpringerLink
Stripping ratio is the ratio of the volume of waste rock stripped off to the volume of ore exploited during the process of surface mining. It indicates the volume of waste rock required to be stripped for mining per cubic ore. Stripping ratio (see Fig. 1) is an important technical-economic indicator in open-pit mining, which reflects the ...

3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax)
You will recall that the maximum allowable stripping ratio, SR max, also called break-even stripping ratio, is the maximum amount of overburden/waste that can be extracted per unit of ore at the economic pit limit.

Analisis Break Even Stripping Ratio dan Desain PIT Tambang Batubara PT. X. Repository Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pameramba, H. (2017). Identifikasi Penyebaran Dan Analisis Stripping Ratio Mining Batubara Dengan Menggunakan Data Geofisika Logging Pada Lapangan "Dk" Di Daerah Lahat, Sumatera Selatan. Digilib Universitas Negeri Lampung.

Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They Important?
April 10, 2018. A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the open-pit mining process. It represents the amount of waste material, also known as overburden, that must be moved in order to extract a given amount of ore. That said, stripping ratios are not only about the volume of unwanted material present at a ...

In 2016 sebesar 29,85 bcm : 1 ton coal Then with know the value of break even stripping ratio, break even point quantity and break even point revenue is expected to be guidelines of the decision making for management in controlling mining planning and is also expected can use chance to became a point of view to plan finance corporation for the ...

Tugas tambang terbuka hubungan rumus bser dan sr …
Setelah semuanya telah diketahui baik Volume OB dan Tonase BB, maka di gunakanlah rumus Striping Ratio (SR). Setelah menghitung perbandingan dan total volume pada SR, maka akan dilanjutkan perhitungan berikutnya yaitu perhitungan BSER (Break Even Stripping Ratio). ... (Break Even Stripping Ratio). 4. B. Break Even …

7.3.2: Contour Mining | GEOG 000
Mining will proceed by advancing into the hillside until reaching the break-even stripping ratio. At this point, the highwall will remain. Under certain conditions, we may choose to …

The Former research has resulted that the coal sediment modelling on seam X has 2.17 meters of thickness and calculation of estimated mined reserve obtained by coal is 335.272,19 MT, overburden 2.026.338,38 BCM so that stripping ratio is 6,04: 1.With a vast amount of pit is 14,29 ha. Keywords: Coal, Block Model, Batter block Solid, Stripping ...

(DOC) Stripping Ratio
Striping Ratio (SR) Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) Yaitu perbandingan antara keuntungan kotor dengan ongkos pembuangan OB. Cost penggalian bijih. BESR = -----Cost pengupasan OB. Untuk memilih system penambangan digunakan istilah BESR-1 bagi open pit yaitu overall. Page 3. stripping ratio. ...

What is break even stripping ratio?
What is break even stripping ratio? Updated: 4/28/2022. Wiki User. ∙ 9y ago. Best Answer. the stripping ratio fot the last increment alomg the pit wall. it determines whether one should continue ...

Is the strip ratio still an important factor in open …
Scenario 2 has an undiscounted net profit of +R25 while Scenario 2 is at the break even point. ... I believe striping ratio is a valuable tool for initial assessment and comparison but it should ...

Optimasi Pit Tambang Terbuka Batubara dengan …
dinamakan break even stripping ratio (BESR). Pada kondisi titik tersebut akan rnenghasilkan keuntungan atau nilai sekarang bersih - optimal. Dengan dernikian. suatu block-strip yang menjadi batas tambang, merupakan block-strip yang . 21 JGP (Jurnal Geologi Pertambangan) ...

3.2.5: Instantaneous Stripping Ratio | GEOG 000
The Instantaneous Stripping Ratio (ISR) is the stripping ratio for a given push back, where a tiny slice of material, i.e., ore and/or waste, is removed from a pit wall. This section presents the ISR calculation for a steeply pitching deposit. Assume an idealized tabular and steeply pitching orebody that outcrops at the surface and dips to …

Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip Mines
The proposed formulation provides an optimal annual extraction rate, together with the optimal utilization of a mining fleet and an equipment acquisition program. This solution eliminates unnecessary capital expenses and is feasible under all geological scenarios. The mathematical programming model is detailed and tested at a gold deposit.

Break Even Stripping Ratio inidisebut juga overall stripping ratio, yang dapat dinyatakan sebagai berikut : BESR = CMUG – CMSM Dimana : CMUG : Cost Mining With Underground (Biaya Penambangan Bawah tanah),US$/ton. CMSM : Cost Mining With Surface (Biaya Penambangan dengan Tambang terbuka),US$/ton. CSOB : Cost …

Oleh karena itu diperlukan perencanaan kembali desain pit PQRT untuk mengoptimalkan volume cadangan batubara seam P, menghitung volume overburden dan batubara seam P sebelum dan setelah dilakukan optimalisasi serta nilai break even stripping ratio (BESR) dan stripping ratio (SR) ekonomis apabila dilakukan optimalisasi …

The break-even stripping ratio is a function of ore value and the costs involved. Ore reserves. The first step in the evaluation and design of an open-pit mine is the …